Heritage Wood Craft respects your privacy, and while we would love to state we don’t collect any information from you, that simply isn’t, and can‘t be true today.
In order for the HeritageWoodCraft.co website to function properly, it must collect some information from your browser through an open communication channel known as a “cookie”.
Not chocolate chip or even claro walnut, but they‘re still cookies, and the HeritageWoodCraft.co website and some of the services we use, including Google and our web host, require some sort of communication with your system.
That‘s it, though.
We have no intention to collect any information unnecessary to the operation of the site or to serve you as a customer, and have no intention to ever sell or otherwise use your information for any purpose other than stated.
Seriously, your privacy, protection, and long-term mutually beneficial patronage is our ultimate goal, nothing else, nothing more. We do not, and will not, sell information.
Heritage Wood Craft